How to Repair Scratched Glasses: 8 Effective DIY Methods

Having scratched lenses can be frustrating, affecting both clarity and aesthetics. However, fear not! This comprehensive guide is all about how to repair scratched glasses by exploring various DIY methods, unveiling effective strategies and insider tips to rejuvenate your scratched glasses and extending their lifespan.


Glasses serve as a window to the world for millions, correcting vision impairments and ensuring clarity in daily activities. Yet, scratches on these lenses can cloud this clarity, causing frustration and hindering their effectiveness. The impact of scratches goes beyond mere aesthetics, affecting visibility and potentially compromising eye health.

The Importance of Eye Health

Regular eye check-ups play a crucial role in maintaining optimal vision and early detection of underlying issues. Understanding how to repair scratched glasses is pivotal as scratches not only hinder vision but can also affect your overall eye health.

Understanding the Scratches

Scratches on glasses come in various forms, from minor surface abrasions to deeper, more impactful grooves. These imperfections can distort vision, leading to discomfort and reduced visual acuity.

Understanding the types of scratches and their underlying causes is essential in finding the most effective methods on how to repair scratched glasses.

how to repair scratched glasses

Types of Scratches & Their Underlying Causes

1. Surface Scratches

  • Surface scratches often result from minor incidents like wiping glasses with a dirty cloth or improper cleaning techniques.
  • These scratches are superficial, affecting the outer layer of the lens without penetrating deeply.

2. Deep Scratches

  • Impact from sharp objects, drops, or prolonged wear without proper care can lead to deep scratches.
  • They penetrate the lens, potentially affecting vision and requiring more extensive repair measures.

3. Abrasive Scratches

  • Using harsh cleaning materials or abrasive substances on lenses can cause abrasive scratches.
  • These scratches occur due to the friction of abrasive particles against the lens, resulting in visible marks.

4. Coating Scratches

  • Improper handling or cleaning can damage the protective coatings applied to lenses.
  • Coating scratches affect the protective layers on the lens, compromising their effectiveness and appearance.

5. Hairline Scratches

  • Microscopic particles, repeated cleaning with dirty cloths, or improper storage can cause hairline scratches.
  • These tiny scratches may not significantly impact vision but can accumulate over time, affecting clarity.

How to Repair Scratched Glasses: DIY Methods

Numerous do-it-yourself techniques are available for treating minor scratches on glasses. However, when seeking comprehensive solutions on how to repair scratched glasses, commercially available products (liquid scratch removers and polishing kits) specifically designed for this purpose offer tailored remedies.

Each DIY method and commercial solution has its own set of instructions and precautions. It’s important to understand the nature of the scratch and the type of lens before attempting any repair method.

how to repair scratched glasses

1. Regular Cleaning

  • First and foremost, regular cleaning using a microfiber cloth and lens cleaner can help diminish minor surface scratches.
  • Ensure the cloth is soft and clean to avoid further damage.

2. Toothpaste Method

  • Apply a small amount of non-abrasive toothpaste (without baking soda or whitening agents) on the scratched area.
  • Gently rub in a circular motion with a soft cloth for a few minutes, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
  • This method may improve the appearance of superficial scratches.

3. Baking Soda and Water Solution

  • Create a paste using baking soda and water, applying it to the scratched area with a cotton ball or soft cloth.
  • Gently rub in small circular motions, then rinse and dry.
  • This method might help reduce the visibility of light scratches.

4. Vinegar and Baking Soda Paste

  • Combine equal amounts of vinegar and baking soda to create a paste.
  • Apply the paste onto the scratched area and gently rub it with a soft cloth.
  • Rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • This method could help with minor scratches, but caution is advised as vinegar might not be suitable for all types of lenses.

5. Metal Polish Method

  • Apply a small amount of metal polish (containing cerium oxide) to the scratched area.
  • Use a soft cloth to gently buff the area in a circular motion for several minutes.
  • Wipe off excess polish and rinse the glasses thoroughly. This method can be effective for shallow scratches.

6. Pencil Eraser Method

  • Use a clean pencil eraser to gently rub the scratched area in a circular motion.
  • Continue for a few minutes, then wipe the glasses clean.
  • This method might help with minor scratches by filling them in with the eraser material.

7. Displex Plastic Scratch Remover

  • Apply a small amount of Displex plastic scratch remover to the scratched area.
  • Rub gently in circular motions with a soft cloth for a few minutes.
  • Wipe off excess product and inspect the results. This method is specifically designed for plastic lenses.

8. Cerium Oxide Paste

  • Create a paste by mixing cerium oxide powder with water.
  • Put the paste on the scratched area and gently rub it using a soft cloth
  • Rinse off the paste and dry the glasses. This method is known to be effective for minor scratches on certain types of lenses.

When to Seek Professional Help?

In cases of severe scratches or uncertainty about DIY methods on how to repair scratched glasses, seeking professional assistance from an optician is recommended.

Opticians possess the expertise and tools to diagnose and treat scratches effectively. However, it’s essential to consider factors like cost and feasibility before opting for professional assistance.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Scratches

how to repair scratched glasses

Prevention is often the best solution while considering how to repair scratched glasses. Proper care, protective cases, and recommended cleaning techniques can greatly cut down on scratches, extending lifespan of glasses.

  • Handle glasses with clean hands to avoid transferring dirt or debris onto the lenses.
  • Use a soft, clean microfiber cloth for regular cleaning to prevent scratches from abrasive particles.
  • Store glasses in a protective case when not in use to prevent contact with rough surfaces.
  • Avoid placing glasses face down on surfaces to minimize the risk of scratches.
  • Rinse glasses with water before cleaning to remove any particles that could cause scratches during wiping.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials for cleaning as they can damage the lens surface.
  • Regularly check and tighten loose screws to prevent any components from rubbing against the lenses.
  • Use both hands to put on and take off glasses to prevent uneven pressure that could lead to scratches.


Knowing how to repair scratched glasses effectively is essential for maintaining their functionality. Whether exploring DIY solutions or seeking professional help, a range of options addresses different levels of scratch severity.

By identifying the severity and choosing the right approach, you can restore your eyewear’s clarity and functionality. Prioritizing the care of glasses not only ensures clearer vision but also contributes to overall eye health.

how to repair scratched glasses


  1. How long does it take to repair scratched glasses lenses? The duration depends on scratch severity and the chosen repair method. Minor scratches can be fixed within minutes, while deeper ones might take longer.
  2. Can I use home remedies for deep scratches? Home remedies are suitable for minor to moderate scratches. Deeper scratches might need professional attention to avoid further damage.
  3. Will toothpaste damage anti-glare coatings? Mild toothpaste generally doesn’t damage coatings. However, rigorous rubbing or using abrasive toothpaste might affect them.
  4. Is it possible to fix scratches on coated lenses? While coated lenses are trickier, some methods, like microfiber cloth and mild soap, can work without damaging the coating.
  5. How do I prevent future scratches? Regularly clean your glasses with a microfiber cloth and store them in a protective case when not in use. Avoid using harsh cleaners or abrasive materials.

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